Since you're here finding answers so we will assume that you've done everything you can for your brand but the results are like your board exam results i.e. not as good as you expected it to be or maybe disappointing. Just like your mothers used to talk about other student's marks, akin to that, people these days are talking about your competitors but not you. No no! You don't have to go back to your board's trauma. We cannot do anything about boards now because you know.! But we can still improve your digital performance.
Scrutinizing your brand’s digital footprint is more desirable and effective method rather than the brick and mortar method i.e. customer-to-customer feedback. Digital assiduity captures consumers more organically than surveys and other traditional methods. But the issue is about choosing the right metric. There are numerous metrics available. Mostly preferred ones are digital share, digital magnitude and digital momentum. Since you're here for a solution and not research so we would like to recommend digital momentum.
Do not underestimate the power of social media. IT is a revolution in itself. Being a celebrity brand is all about search-like-share. If your brand is a getting a space on the first page of every search engine if people on social media platforms are liking your idea enough number of times and if your website or page is getting shared a lot of times then your brand is going well. Otherwise, you need to improvise your methods and techniques to reach out the masses. In today's techno-savvy world, the strength of your brand lies in inspecting its reach across social media, websites and search engines.
The question lies in how to measure the reach? Measuring the strength should start with the analysis of the number of followers a company has but that is just quantity. Beyond that, quality of your brand lies in the engagement of peeps in your content. The engagement and sentiment of people could be analysed by observing whether the reviews and mentions are more positive or negative. Many softwares are available in the market which can do the analysis for you but it is always better to manually analyse your results.
Ending this with some golden words by Brian Solis."Social Media is about sociology and psychology more than technology."
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